Sunday 22 April 2012

Ca-C 1000 Sandoz

ok.hari ni kak mel nak share i benda yg kak mel tak penah miss setiap hari. CA-C 1000 Sandoz.ka mel ambil sebagai dietary supplement. i tablet setiap hari. kalau beli kat guardian sekotak ada 3 botol.setiap botol ada 10 tablet. kak mel suka ca-c sandoz ni sebab dia effervescent. masuk kat dalam air , nanti dia terurai macam eno tu..rasa pun sgt sedap! kalau boleh setiap kali minum nak bubuh tablet ni. tp nanti teroverdose pulak.

kalau seperti namanya, tablet ni terdiri dari vitamin c dan calcium.bagus sgt untuk org2 mcm akak ni, yg tak suka susu dan kurang mkn buah-buahan (bukan tak makan buah, kuurang sgt2 heheh).jd dengan pengambilan tablet ni cukup utk supply vit c dan calcium sekali kat akak.

resultnye, kulit jd lebih lembab..siku, tumit, lutut semua pun tak kering..

ni akak dapat keterangan tentang Ca-C 1000 sandoz dari website medical explorer

Ca-C 1000 Sandoz

Double Goodness

Ca-C 1000 Sandoz combines the goodness of Vitamin C and calcium in a single effervescent tablet.

How often have you heard someone says, "Take vitamin C regularly and you won't catch as many colds" How often has your doctor advised you to take calcium regularly? That's because Vitamin C and calcium are two things all women need to stay healthy. Now Ca-C 1000 Sandoz makes your life easy by combining both vitamin C and calcium in a single effervescent tablet. Each tablet contains the equivalent of 17 oranges* and one glass of milk !

Vitamin C is necessary for everyone (not just women) because it helps the body build up resistance. It is also an antioxidant that neutralises free radicals as well as helping the body to form collagen, which supports tissues within the body.

Calcium is necessary to build strong bones and teeth. At different stages of their lives, women tend to lose calcium, which is the reason why many women are more prone to osteoporosis and broken bones in their old age. It is especially important during pregnancy, lactation, periods of rapid growth and old age. For most women, this means adequate amounts of calcium are important for most of their lives.

However, not all calcium is created equal. Calcium lactate (from milk) and calcium gluconate (from vegetables) are easily absorbed by the body. Ca-C 1000 Sandoz contains both forms of calcium for easy absorption.

At the same time, it has been found that some nutrients work best together. Since calcium is not easily absorbed by the body, it is combined with Vitamin C, which boosts the absorption of calcium.

So to keep healthy, all you need to do is to take one tablet a day to build a strong body. As Ca-C 1000 Sandoz is an effervescent tablet, it dissolves easily in water to make a tasty drink. The goodness in the effervescent tablet is also easily absorbed by your body in this liquid form. "

Friday 16 March 2012

Eve Taylor

Today, mel ke The Weld Jalan Raja Chulan. mel beli voucher diskaun dari 90% Vitamin C Brightening Facial+Eye treatment+eye, neck, shoulder massage+ eye brow reshaping for 2 hours for only RM 29.90! yeay!!

I went to a Happy Face beauty salon dan mel bertemu dengan the beauty consultant bernama Miss Carol..very sweet girl..kulit dia sgt jealous!!!!

Then bermulalah facial treatment mel. Produk yang digunakan : Eve Taylor from London. Aromatheraphy Skin and Body Care..Sgt2 la best. Miss Carol explained to me on my skin conditions. Tak pernah lg mel cerita kan.kulit mel tak berjerawat tp dehydrate. Mel selalu igt kulit mel jenis kering, selama ni mel beli semua produk untuk kulit kering..But Miss Carol informed me that i have an oily skin awal2 lagi dah tahu dah salah guna skin care.

So bermulalah..clense, extract , extract, extract...tone , mask, moisturizer..samapilah habis semua treatment. The total cost is actually Rm 552. But memang la sgt2 puas hati walaupun 2 jam sahaja.

Miss Carol never insisted me to buy the product.But mel berkenan sgt dengan bau, tekstur produk ni..dan packaging juga! :) st, i consulted Miss Carol and bought the cleanser and facial wash..baru pakai sekali tp sgt puas hati...

next appointment dah setkan pada hari ahad minggu depan pukul 4 ptg.. :)

Friday 9 March 2012

Test 1:Tomatoes for healthy and glowing skin? Jom Cuba!

Khasiat tomato dalam aspek kesihatan dan kecantikan tidak dinafikan. Dikatakan bahawa tomato kaya dengan anti-oksidan dan mampu mencegah kanser. Kesan kepada kulit juga dapat dilihat dengan ketara walaupun dengan hanya menggunakan tomato sebagai scrub dan masker setiap hari. Benarkah?

Mel gunakan tomato sebagai masker. Kadang-kadang after cuci muka, just ambik sebiji tomato, gosok ke kulit muka dan biarkan 5 minit.Kemudian cuci muka.seminggu saja pun sudah boleh nampak tekstur kulit semakin lembut dan halus.... :))

Beauty Tips and Makeover

Mencecah usia 30-an bukan mudah bg dan tanggungjawab buat kita terlupa untuk memikirkan keperluan diri sendiri...i created this blog to keep me on track of what i'll be sharing here..